Happy Women’s Day!

March 2024 News & Updates

The Perils of Misrepresentation: An Internship Story

Right now our team is made up of all guys, but the fact is that we would not have been able to be where we are today (in our 4th year) unless for the immense contribution and help of two dedicated ladies like Aulona and Ambla, who were each part of our team since 2020 to 2023. A special thanks also goes for Jori!

Privileged & Thankful

On that note, we consider ourselves so privileged to work with so many other women as our clients, collaborators, supporters and friends. Many are moms, some are teachers, some are students and others are at different stages of life.

We would like to thank each and everyone of you for allowing us to come along side your business, organization, project and/or initiative!


Elvis, Irdi, Eneriko, Greisi, Geiv, Baki

Sfida.PRO and SfidaBiznesi.com Team


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