was a groundbreaking project for our agency, as well as for Albania, being the first e-commerce platform dedicated solely to Albanian books and literature. While there were other websites allowing customers to order gifts, including some books, our project was unique in its mission.
The development and implementation of a scalable platform presented a major challenge for us, with months of researching and testing required to select the most suitable eCommerce software. Despite the additional challenge of slow dial-up internet speeds at the time, we ultimately chose PrestaShop as the core software. We are proud to have introduced this platform to Albania, which is now used by the country's largest eCommerce sites.
Payment processing was another major challenge. Debit and credit card payments were not common in Albania (in 2007), making it crucial to offer alternative payment methods, such as PayPal. We have continued to provide a range of payment options directly on our website to meet the needs of Albanian consumers.
Since the launch of, many more platforms, sites, and social media profiles have emerged to promote books and culture, and we are encouraged to see the growth of this industry in Albania.