New Courses and Training for our clients

December 2021 Learn

The Perils of Misrepresentation: An Internship Story

We offer a wide range of services and software solution and are constantly training, supporting and onboarding new and existing clients.

However, even after we have done the initial onboarding or training, our clients reach out to us with needs for more training and support.

Our commitment is to provide the best ongoing support that we can and to that end, we have also started to create a section dedicated to online courses and training for our clients and team.

Not all our trainings are public or accessible online, but those that are can always be viewed here under Courses.

The first of our open courses is a collection of introductory videos by Thrive Themes. We have been using their software since 2016 and do a minimum 10 different site design and development projects with their software each year. 

To answer some of the most training needs of our existing clients we have crated this first Thrive Themes course.

Below you will find an updated list of available courses.

All courses...
  • All courses...
  • Topics
  • General
  • New Topic
  • Access restrictions
  • Subscribers only
  • Premium course


This is a quick guide on how to set up your email client

9 Lessons - None



Collection of SEO tutorials and tools

1 Lessons - None



4 Lessons - Easy



This is a collection of trainings and resources that should help you learn how to best utilize the capabilities of Thrive Themes. The videos and materials are sourced directly from Thrive Themes and have been authored by them, we offer them here to help support our existing clients and also for use with client onboarding and ongoing trainings.

18 Lessons - Intermediate

Subscribers only



6 Lessons - Intermediate


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